
学生AJThe Department of 司法行政 offers courses in 司法行政 (AJ) and 军事 Science (MSCI) and an undergraduate degree, 理学士(理学学士.S.). A minor in 司法行政 is offered for students pursuing undergraduate degrees or majors in other departments where they are required to declare a minor. The Department of 司法行政 also offers the minor in 军事 Science. Interested students may obtain information from the department office located on the fourth floor of the Public Affairs Building. The Department of 司法行政 initiated a M.S. degree in 司法行政 in Fall 2007 and a Ph.D. 2008年秋天在司法行政工作.


The mission of the Department of 司法行政 is to educate students for careers and community service within a diverse urban environment through the development of specialized knowledge and skills needed for effective public service. The Department strives to prepare students not only with facts and concepts, 但也, 更重要的是, to think critically and ethically in applying knowledge to related problems and challenging situations. The curriculum presents subjects designed to develop competence for employment and for leadership roles for students planning careers in the judiciary, 执法, 假释及缓刑, 修正, 机构服务, 安全管理, 国土安全, 以及其他相关的职业领域.



学生 wishing to pursue the undergraduate degree offered through the Department must first gain admission to the University. 它们必须满足ASSET需求, 消除已发现的缺陷, and declare 司法行政 as their major. To declare a major in 司法行政, students must have an earned overall GPA of 2.00 or better and have completed the following four courses with grades of “C” or better (grades of “C-” are unacceptable): POLS 231 (American Political Systems I), POLS 232(美国政治系统II), eng131(新生英语I), 及eng132(新生英语II). 一旦被录取, students are each assigned an Academic Advisor who must approve all class schedules. They must also keep the Department Office informed of current addresses and telephone numbers prior to graduation.

希望攻读学士学位的学生.S. in 司法行政 are cautioned that a prior criminal conviction may be used to deny access or placement in various jobs in the criminal justice system, 尤其是那些与司法有关的, 执法, 拘留, 和修正, 即使你已经获得了学位. B的要求.S. in 司法行政 are specified, in detail, below. 作为第一次攻读学位的人, students are required to declare a minor in a second academic discipline either through the Department or through another department for graduation. Grades of “C” or better (grades of “C-” are unacceptable) must be earned in all major and minor courses required for graduation. 另外, 在选择未成年人时, students should seek detailed advisement from their designated advisors because the selection of a minor having representative courses in the core curriculum for the degree of choice could impact the total number of credits required.

For a minor in 司法行政, twenty-one (21) semester credit hours are required. The following courses (3 semester credit hours each) must be taken: AJ 105, AJ 211, AJ 220, 和AJ 240. 除了, nine (9) 300-level or 400- level semester credits must be earned as electives along with the four courses identified. For a minor in 军事 Science, twenty-one (21) semester credit hours are required. To qualify for this minor, twelve (12) credit hours must be taken in 300-to-400-level courses. Nine (9) credit hours must be completed in residency, and six (6) of the nine (9) must be in 300-to-400-level courses. 学生 may receive credit for 100-200-level courses based upon prior military training, 完成后备军官训练团基本训练营, 完成JROTC训练, 或者在服务学院完成一年的学习.

茉莉花米. 德雷克,Ph值.D.
临时系主任 & 副教授
部门: 司法行政